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Here is a sampling of some of what we offer:

Embracing Conflict: Tools for a Healthier Synagogue designed for synagogue clergy, lay leadership and volunteers.  In the series he engages in topics such as Congregational Conversations; Communication; Earning, Developing, and Regaining a Trusting Environment; Managing Transitions; Dealing with Difficult People; Leadership Development; Active Listening, Board Development and Training; Congregational Covenants;  Rethinking Relevance; Building Congregations Building Communities; Recruiting and Retaining Members; Framing and Reframing; Dues and Philanthropy; Separating People from the Problem; Sacred Communities and Holy Work, and other areas of interest or engagement. Embracing Conflict: Tools for a Healthier Synagogue is often designed as a series of six workshops each building on practical application and seminar cohort learning. 


Improvisation and Negotiation Through the understanding of jazz and theatre improvisation we help to develop leaderships skills such as team building, attention to details, communication, deadlines, accountability, listening, and conflict resolution.  This workshop was first presented at Harvard Law School with the Program on Negotiation.


Being Present This workshop is designed to help understand the quality of truly being present for ourselves, our organizations and each other when we try to communicate.  It involves role playing, mindfulness practices, and exploration of contemplative techniques for the work place, synagogue, and home.


Getting to Giving Designed for the nonprofit and synagogue executive, professional staff and volunteers engaged in fund raising, this program provides fund raising Basics, advanced campaign techniques, Continuum of Giving ™, donor assessment/analysis, grant writing, negotiating with donors and negotiating internally, donor stewardship, event management, major gifts, annual fund, capital campaign, and database management. 


Communications - Active Listening Musicians, as a core fundamental part of music making, have developed a strong skill of listening. This workshop weaves this skill into the area of leadership and conflict resolution.  We have been taught to listen but not taught to hear. For the most part we have learned to listen only to agree – this workshop will teach you to listen to understand...See what a difference active listening can make in you and your success.


The Roots of Conflict – Impact vs. Intent In our day to day lives as Jewish educators and administrators we are surrounded by conflict. There are issues that arise between faculty, administrators, parents, students, vendors, funders, clergy and volunteers. We can either let all of this overwhelm us or we can embrace it as an opportunity. We will look at the underlying fundamentals of conflict, and develop new and enhanced understanding of: Impact vs. Intent, the Ladder of Inference, methods of communication, permission to not-understand, and principled negotiation, all informed by internationally successful Harvard pedagogy and Judaism.  Take away new resources and tools that you can use immediately.   


Managing Transitions - During board transition, clergy transition, committee leadership transition, congregational mergers, and even local and national issues that impact on congregational and organizational lives, change is what happens to us, transition is our own personal, psychological and organizational method for dealing with that change.  We will learn to understand and embrace the dissonance and tension that comes with change, and develop and enhance our tools for planning for and engaging in transition management. 


Grant Writing Without Fear - Down and Dirty...learn the basics of grant research, writing the application, letter of intent. thank you letters, reporting, and project development...These skills have helped the presenter raise more than $20 million, and taught others to raise geometrically more than that.  What project are you waiting to do fund if you "only had the money"?


Sample of Keynote Addresses


The Role of Contribution - Each of us must recognize that we all contribute to the success or failure of a synagogue. to the conflict and the solutions. And we each must recognize the importance of contribution, whether in time, talent or treasure.


Public Relations, Marketing and Fund Raising - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - External and internal communication are always connected to the future of your organization. Every communication, including social media, website, newsletters, annual report, fund raising materials, marketing materials and press releases, are opportunities to connect and to encourage investment in your organization.  There needs to be a coordinated effort, a uniform voice, and attention to the details so that you articulate your message clearly and without confusion.


Appreciation - When you appreciate others, their sense of themselves appreciates. This keynote is motivational and encourages a sense of appreciation within your organization. 


290 Turnpike Rd

Suite 150-383

Westborough, MA 01581



T: 508-615-1654

2013 by Business Solutions.

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